Our Employment Law Blog and Resources

A mother embracing her newborn

Pregnancy discrimination occurs when employers treat currently or recently pregnant workers unfavorably and can create a hostile workplace for employees

NYC Pregnancy Discrimination Lawyers

If you work and are expecting a child, you will eventually have to make an important decision. When should you

A manager talking with their employee

Employment law affects every aspect of the workplace. It determines your rights regarding hiring, wage and benefits, eligibility for overtime

A man looking at his laptop and thinking about something important

Discrimination can be found when you are treated differently, or less favorably than other employees, for an illegal reason. In

A manager causing a stressful work environment for an employee

Harassment in the workplace can interfere with more than just your job. You may be anxious or frightened to go

A man touching a female coworker's shoulder inappropriately

We have recently seen another high-profile case in the media involving alleged sexual harassment in the workplace. This time, Fox

A recruiter looking at a resume and interviewing a candidate

In today’s competitive job market, it may be tempting to embellish or fabricate information on a job application or resume

A mother embracing her newborn

The birth of a child is an exciting time for a family, but it can also be physically and emotionally

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