Boston Employment Lawyers: Protecting Your Workplace Rights

Boston Employment Lawyer



recovered for our employment law cases

Workers form the backbone of major corporations, private companies, small businesses, and local, state, and federal governments, but they don’t always receive fair treatment.
Issues arise when employers discriminate against their workers based on protected characteristics, including age, ethnicity, disability, race, and gender. Other problems, such as sexual harassment, unfair pay or hiring practices, or a hostile work environment, can distract employees from their duties and harm their emotional and financial well-being.
If you’re a Boston employee suffering from discrimination, harassment, or other employment-related issues, Joseph & Norinsberg can help. Our Boston employment lawyers represent workers in all types of employment-related claims. When you hire us, we’ll advocate for your rights under local, state, and federal laws. If successful, you may be entitled to remedies, including job reinstatement, back pay, and compensation for damages.

Areas of Expertise and Specializations of Our Boston Employment Lawyers

The experienced and skilled Boston employment attorneys at Joseph & Norinsberg represent workers in several types of employment-related matters.

Age Discrimination

Age discrimination victims may lose hiring or promotional opportunities or get forced into retirement through illegal layoffs. An employer’s age-related bias may lead them to pass over older workers in favor of younger ones for exciting new assignments or opportunities. Bias may also result in age-related jokes, harassment, or rude comments.

Disability Discrimination

About 22 percent of people with a disability held jobs in America in 2023. Laws and regulations require employers to avoid discriminatory activities based on a worker’s disability status and provide employees with reasonable accommodations if needed. If your employer treats you differently because of a disability, you can file a complaint to recover damages.

Gender Discrimination

While gender equality has come a long way over the past 100 years, some employers still discriminate against workers based on their gender. Whether you identify as a male, female, transgender, or something else, employers must respect your decision and treat you fairly. If you’re the subject of workplace gender discrimination, our Boston employment lawyers can help.

Race Discrimination

Unfortunately, race discrimination has a lengthy history in America and worldwide. Laws exist to protect workers from unfair discriminatory actions caused by an employer’s racial or ethnic bias. It’s illegal for employers to incorporate your race or ethnicity into hiring, promotional, and firing decisions. They also must avoid negative comments that create an unsafe and unfair working environment.

Weight Discrimination

Weight discrimination is very common in Boston and throughout the United States. When people in positions of authority see an overweight or obese individual, they often treat them differently. While Massachusetts law doesn’t offer specific protection for weight discrimination, there are still other legal options one can pursue, such as suing for a disability that caused weight gain. 

Pregnancy Discrimination

Carrying an unborn child is exciting for a new parent, but some workplaces actively discriminate against pregnant employees. Denying you leave you’re entitled to take through the Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993, or the FMLA, or refusing to hire or promote you due to your pregnancy are just a few examples of unlawful discrimination.

Sexual Harassment

You go to work to earn a living, not to be subject to a supervisor’s or colleague’s unwanted sexual advances and comments. If you’re experiencing sexually suggestive comments or inappropriate touching that impacts your ability to do your job, it’s time to take action. Our Boston employment lawyers will explore your legal options to stop the perpetrators from further impacting your career.

Sexual Orientation

Your sexual orientation has no bearing on the quality of your work, and it must not impact your ability to secure a job or promotion. If an employer discriminates against you based on your sexual orientation, they are violating state and federal law. Joseph & Norinsberg will investigate your case and hold the appropriate parties accountable.

Wage and Hour

A wage and hour violation occurs when an employer fails to pay you according to your employment terms and conditions and the law. Some examples include refusing overtime pay, failing to meet the state hourly wage requirements, or refusing to compensate you for paid time off.

Wrongful Termination

Massachusetts follows an at-will employment doctrine, meaning an employer can fire you at any time for any reason or no reason at all. However, if you can prove your employer fired you due to age, race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, or religion, you may have a wrongful termination claim.

Boston Employment Laws

Federal and Massachusetts state law governs worker’s rights in Boston. Massachusetts has several laws that may apply to your claim, depending on its circumstances, including the following:

Often, violations of Massachusetts employment law also violate federal regulations such as Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, The Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967, or ADEA, and the Americans with Disabilities Act, or ADA.

Employment law can be confusing, so consult a seasoned professional to review your case and determine whether your employer is liable for their actions. An attorney will guide you through the legal process, ensuring you receive competent representation in your case.

Why Choose Joseph & Norinsberg as Your Boston Employment Lawyers

Joseph & Norinsberg focuses exclusively on worker’s rights. Our 75 years of collective experience representing clients in complex employment-related claims make us a leader in employment law. Every client we represent has a different story, and we help them cope with their experience and hold the appropriate parties liable for their unlawful actions.

Our Boston employment attorneys approach every case with a careful eye for details, which allows us to identify errors and mistakes that others overlook. All clients are matched with a team of attorneys and paralegals ready to support you throughout the whole legal process. We are aggressive fighters known for our uncompromising approach to handling employment claims and will never accept a settlement that isn’t fair to you.

We are proud of our five-star Google rating, not because of the number but because of the satisfied clients it represents. We treat all our clients like family, and they regularly stay in touch with us long after their cases are resolved. We regularly receive unsolicited client testimonials such as the following:

Our Employment Law Case Results:

  • We won a significant settlement for a worker who was terminated while on leave for a severe health condition.
  • Our extensive investigation helped prove a worker experienced racial discrimination at a fast-food restaurant. The worker received substantial damages for lost wages, emotional distress, and harm to his professional and personal reputation.
  • When an employer retaliated against two clients and wrongfully terminated them for complaining about uncompensated overtime, we filed a complaint and took the case to mediation. We helped the clients secure a significant settlement for unpaid wages and emotional distress.

Get Help From Seasoned Employment Lawyers in Boston

Experiencing workplace discrimination, harassment, and retaliation has terrible consequences for workers. If you don’t take action, it can worsen a hostile work environment and impact your physical and emotional health and future employment prospects. Fortunately, Massachusetts and federal law protect workers from an employer’s unlawful treatment. Those laws allow you to protect your rights and procure damages for your losses.

The Boston employment attorneys at Joseph & Norinsberg are ready to represent you in your employment claim. To explore your legal options, speak with one of our qualified lawyers. You can schedule your consultation by calling (212) 227-5700 or completing our online contact form. Don’t let another day pass while your employer violates your rights — take action today.

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Call us at (212) 227-5700
Case Results
$1.374 MILLION

Disability Discrimination Case


We defended 12 individuals facing discrimination and retaliation based on race and gender in the workplace.


Racial Discrimination Case


We secured compensation for New Jersey factory workers who were denied sick leave benefits guaranteed by the law.

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