Boston Weight Discrimination Lawyers

NYC obesity lawyer



recovered for our employment law cases

Weight bias is rampant in Boston and throughout the United States. When people in authority—ranging from landlords to financial lenders to employers—see someone overweight or obese, they often treat them differently. This type of discrimination is just as damaging as discrimination based on other factors, such as age or gender. Unfortunately, Massachusetts offers limited legal options for victims hoping to fight back against employers who have discriminated against them due to their weight.

A Boston weight discrimination lawyer is the key to understanding how to move forward with your discrimination claim. If you have experienced weight discrimination, the attorneys at Joseph & Norinsberg can help. With extensive experience in employment law, we understand how complicated weight discrimination cases can be and know what legal avenues are open to you.

Why Choose Joseph & Norinsberg as Your Boston Weight Discrimination Lawyer?

At Joseph & Norinsberg, we uphold high standards in employment and labor law cases in Boston. Our goal is always to provide you with stellar legal support so that you can work in a safe, healthy environment.

Our Approach to Weight Discrimination Cases

It can be devastating to be subjected to discrimination, harassment, or unfair treatment at work, yet these are common occurrences in Boston workplaces. That’s why we’re determined to help weight discrimination victims seek justice.

We understand the frustration and anger that you’re likely experiencing as a victim of workplace discrimination. Rest assured that we’ll fight hard to get you the results you deserve, using aggressive, evidence-based tactics that account for the unique features of Boston’s legal landscape. Every case is different, and we’ll take the time to examine the details of your experience so that we present your case accurately and effectively.

What Sets Joseph & Norinsberg Apart

The strength of your claim often depends on how well you understand the Boston legal system. Finding the right attorney is crucial to following the necessary processes and fully exploring all your legal options. This is what the attorneys at Joseph & Norinsberg have to offer:

  • Local expertise: As a graduate of Boston College, our partner, Michael Minkoff, knows the legal nuances and work culture of the city inside and out.
  • Proven track record: We’ve helped secure fair pay, equal treatment, and a safe and healthy work environment for countless Boston employees in situations like yours, proven by our client testimonials.
  • Relentless advocacy: Whether we’re negotiating settlements or litigating your case in court, we never stop fighting for your employment rights in Boston.
  • Compassionate support: Workplace weight discrimination and legal processes are emotionally draining, so we’re available to answer your questions and offer personalized attention through every stage of your case.

Above all else, our attorneys want you to feel safe and supported when you go to work each day. We’ll leverage our knowledge and background in Massachusetts discrimination law so you can move forward from your experience with less stress and fear about weight discrimination.

Our Employment Case Results

Before you begin working with a weight discrimination attorney, it’s a good idea to examine their background in that area of law. We have proven results that demonstrate how committed our attorneys are to seeking the best possible outcomes for clients in employment cases.

For instance, we filed a complaint for two individuals against their employer. After researching and gathering evidence for the case, we pushed the defendant to enter mediation and successfully obtained a $125,000 settlement for the victims.

In a similar case, our attorneys represented a client who was wrongfully terminated due to a health condition. With persistence and determination, we ultimately obtained a $475,000 settlement.

In both these cases, we fought to receive fair settlements for our clients. While compensation can never totally undo the damage of workplace discrimination, it can help you begin the next chapter of your life with greater financial security and confidence.

Our Boston Employment Law Lawyer

Caitlin Duffy is an expert in employment law, and she’s ready to fight for you. With nearly two decades of experience litigating employment discrimination cases, she is dedicated to supporting victims of discrimination. Before joining our firm, she worked for plaintiffs’ rights firms, seeking justice in cases focusing on class and collective, wage and hour, and discrimination issues.

Caitlin is admitted to practice in Massachusetts, the federal district courts for the District of Massachusetts, and the Second Circuit Court of Appeals, as well as New York and New Jersey. Before beginning her legal career, she received a Juris Doctorate from Brooklyn Law School in 2007 and a bachelor’s degree from Hunter College in 2004, graduating magna cum laude.

Can You Sue for Weight Discrimination in Boston?

Massachusetts state law doesn’t offer specific protections for victims of weight discrimination in Boston. However, there are other potential legal options to pursue.

For example, if your weight is due to a disability, you might sue for discrimination based on that condition. Disability is a protected class in the state, which means that you can sue employers or other parties that discriminate against you. Likewise, a woman who experiences discrimination because of weight gain related to pregnancy could also have a valid case under the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act.

Lawmakers are working to establish laws that better protect weight discrimination victims. In 2023, a Massachusetts lawmaker introduced Bill S.1108, “An Act Prohibiting Body Size Discrimination.” This bill would essentially ban discrimination based on body size and height, but the government has not enacted it. As a result, the best way to determine whether you can sue for weight discrimination is by reaching out to a weight bias lawyer in Massachusetts.

Legal Protections for Individuals Against Weight Discrimination in Boston

Massachusetts employment law prohibits employers from discriminating against members of certain protected classes, including race, gender identity, and disability. The Massachusetts Commission Against Discrimination is responsible for investigating discrimination complaints and enforcing the state’s anti-discrimination laws. While weight is not a protected class under the law, victims of weight discrimination can often sue based on related factors and circumstances.

Victims who complain about weight discrimination or other types of mistreatment by their employers may become targets of retaliation. Massachusetts law offers strict protections against retaliation for filing a discrimination claim in Boston. Retaliation can include:

  • Firing you
  • Eliminating or reducing your pay or hours
  • Treating you unfairly when assigning tasks or shifts
  • Reporting you or your family to immigration authorities
  • Threatening you with punishment

Retaliation and discrimination aren’t always obvious. If you suspect that your employer is mistreating you because of your weight or retaliating against you for filing a complaint, act quickly and speak to an experienced weight discrimination attorney in Boston who knows exactly what to look for in these types of cases.

Potential Remedies for Boston Weight Discrimination Victims

If you decide to sue for discrimination, your case could lead to a settlement or court judgment. In some cases, victims of weight discrimination can recover economic losses, such as past or future pay, and compensation for emotional distress.

Some discrimination cases lead to reinstatement, allowing you to return to your position with your previous employer. Your case might also result in policy changes that protect future workers in similar circumstances. A knowledgeable employment discrimination lawyer in Boston can offer guidance on what remedies are available to you based on the details of your case.

Put Joseph & Norinsberg's Legal Expertise to Work

Navigating the complexities of a discrimination case is challenging, particularly when the state has yet to enact specific Massachusetts weight discrimination laws. To obtain a fair settlement or court judgment, you need support from an attorney with thorough knowledge of Massachusetts employment law.

Call the Boston weight discrimination lawyers at Joseph & Norinsberg at 212-227-5700 or use our online form to schedule a free consultation where we’ll discuss your legal options.

Bennitta Joseph
Content Reviewed By:
Bennitta Joseph
Senior Partner
August 20, 2024

Bennitta Joseph is an experienced New York City sexual assault attorney with over seventeen years of experience litigating cases involving workplace harassment. She takes on cases with uncompromising dedication, patience, and a relentless desire to achieve justice.

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Case Results
$1.374 MILLION

Disability Discrimination Case


We defended 12 individuals facing discrimination and retaliation based on race and gender in the workplace.


Racial Discrimination Case


We secured compensation for New Jersey factory workers who were denied sick leave benefits guaranteed by the law.

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