Make Sure You're Not Part of the Next-Day Gossip!
St. Patrick’s Day is a great excuse to bring some fun into the workplace — who doesn’t love a pop of green and a reason to celebrate the luck of the Irish for a day? This year, St. Paddy’s Day falls on a Monday, and many workers are planning to continue celebrating after work hours with their colleagues at a restaurant, bar, or party. While harmless celebrations can be fun, they can quickly turn into an HR nightmare if you’re not mindful of your actions around your co-workers.
So, before you get caught up in the holiday spirit, here are a few things to keep in mind to avoid being the subject of office gossip the next day and to maintain your professional reputation.
Company Policies Don't Take a Holiday on St. Patrick's Day!
Yes, it’s a fun day, but that doesn’t mean workplace policies take a break. Whether you’re at a work-sponsored event or just feeling the St. Paddy’s Day energy in the office, remember that all the usual workplace rules still apply. If you wouldn’t do it on a random Tuesday, you probably shouldn’t do it just because it’s March 17.
Press Your Clothes, Not Your Luck - Dressing for Work on St. Patrick's Day!
It’s great to show some festive spirit, but be mindful of what you wear to work. Green is totally encouraged — but shirts with cheeky (or borderline inappropriate) slogans? Not so much. That “Kiss Me, I’m Irish” tee might seem funny, but it could make a coworker uncomfortable. Keep it professional so your outfit isn’t the reason you end up in an awkward meeting.
Skip the Pinching and Pranks This St. Patrick's Day!
St. Patrick’s Day is often celebrated with various lighthearted traditions, including pinching and pranks, especially in workplaces and social gatherings. Some St. Patrick’s Day traditions are fun—others don’t belong in the workplace. Pinching people who aren’t wearing green? Nope! Joking about Irish stereotypes? Also, a No! What might seem harmless to you could make someone else feel uncomfortable or disrespected. Keep it light, keep it fun, and most importantly—keep it professional.
Sip, Don't Stumble When Drinking With Co-Workers on St. Patrick's Day!
If your company is hosting a St. Patrick’s Day happy hour or allowing alcohol at an event, it’s important to remember that it’s not an excuse to overindulge. Drink responsibly, as company leaders may be observing your behavior. The same rule applies to informal social gatherings with colleagues!
If the event takes place during work hours, or if your workplace has a no-alcohol policy, make sure to respect the rules. Sneaking a drink while on the clock is not worth jeopardizing your credibility or risking your job.
Green Beer, Not Green Flags! Avoid Harassment and Misconduct.
Holiday celebrations can sometimes blur the lines of professional behavior, but nothing about workplace policies changes just because there’s a party. Be mindful of how you interact with coworkers—what seems like friendly teasing or a harmless joke to you might be offensive or inappropriate to someone else.
And if you see something that crosses the line? Speak up. Everyone deserves to feel comfortable and respected at work, no matter the occasion.
The "Day After" Struggle – Don't Call Out Just Because You Partied Too Hard.
We get it — St. Patrick’s Day can get a little wild. But if you’re planning to go big, plan accordingly. Calling in “sick” the next day when everyone knows you were out celebrating isn’t the best look. If you’re really sick, of course, take the day off. Just don’t make it obvious that it’s because of one too many green beers. You don’t want to build a reputation for being unreliable.
Celebrate St. Patrick's Day with Co-Workers Smart & Risk-Free!
St. Patrick’s Day is a great chance to enjoy a little fun at work, bond with your coworkers, and break up the usual routine. But remember—what happens at work stays at work, and you don’t want a moment of poor judgment to affect your career. Follow your company’s policies whether at work or out with work pals. Be mindful of your behavior, and make sure you’re celebrating in a way that won’t put your job and reputation at risk!
Have fun and stay smart!