Our Employment Law Blog and Resources

Can A Company Fire You for Being Pregnant

Finding out you’re pregnant should be a time of joy, but for many working parents, it also comes with stress,

What Is Tangible Employment Action Harassment

Losing a job, getting passed over for a promotion, or getting reassigned to less desirable duties is frustrating and can

Getting Ready to Celebrate St. Paddy’s Day with Co-Workers Make Sure You’re Not Part of the Next-Day!

Don’t Be Part of the Next-Day Gossip! St. Patrick’s Day is a great excuse to bring some fun into the

How to Prove a Hostile Work Environment

Braving a hostile work environment can take an immense psychological toll on any employee. When workers feel unwelcome or unsafe

How to File an EEOC Complaint While Still Employed

In a perfect world, everyone would immediately report illegal workplace harassment or discrimination with full confidence that their employer will

What Constitutes Sexual Harassment in the Workplace

Sexual harassment can be traumatizing, upending the victim’s sense of safety, well-being, and belonging in the workplace. One abuse of

What is Sexual Harassment in the Workplace Training

Despite laws in place to combat it, sexual harassment remains prevalent in workplaces across the country. Unchecked sexual harassment can

What Is the Stop Sexual Harassment in NYC Act

Despite being illegal at the federal, state, and local levels, sexual harassment in the workplace unfortunately remains common. To combat

How to Prove Race Discrimination at Work

Race discrimination can destroy the morale of affected employees and toxify the entire workplace culture if unaddressed. Though race discrimination

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