New Jersey Age Discrimination Lawyers

New jersey age discrimination



recovered for our employment law cases

Thousands of workers experience age discrimination in the workplace annually. Nearly two-thirds of Americans over the age of 45 have seen or suffered age discrimination at their jobs. Its prevalence is widespread despite federal laws and state regulations that prevent discriminatory practices based on an employee’s age.

Actions that may indicate age discrimination in the workplace include being passed over for a promotion in favor of a younger worker, being laid off while younger peers stay in their positions, or enduring rude comments and harassment from supervisors or co-workers related to your age.

If you’ve been subjected to age discrimination, it’s vital to take action. If you let the situation fester, it may harm your career prospects and personal well-being. A New Jersey age discrimination lawyer at Joseph & Norinsberg can review your circumstances and explain your legal options.

Why Choose Joseph & Norinsberg for Your New Jersey Age Discrimination Case?

Joseph & Norinsberg is a distinguished law firm dedicated to protecting worker’s rights. We have over 75 years of collective experience representing clients in employment-related claims, including discrimination, harassment, wrongful termination, and whistleblower protections. Our attorneys are known for their tremendous work ethic, aggressive legal tactics, and empathetic demeanor with our clients.

We believe all employees should have access to discrimination-free work environments, and we work tirelessly to advocate for victims who suffer the harmful effects of age-related harassment and bullying in their jobs.

Our firm frequently takes on highly complex employment law cases that many other lawyers reject. For instance, senior partners Bennitta Joseph and Jon L. Norinsberg recently represented six employees in a $15 million lawsuit against a New Jersey restaurant. The workers experienced ongoing sexual abuse, discrimination, harassment, and retaliation.

The attorneys at Joseph & Norinsberg are well-known in legal circles for their knowledge and trial skills, particularly in employment law. The Supreme Court of New Jersey has designated Senior Attorney Crystal Dozier a Certified Trial Attorney, a recognition granted to the top lawyers in the state.

We are proud of our five-star Google rating, not because of the number but because of the satisfied clients it represents. We treat all our clients like family. Many regularly stay in touch with us long after we resolve their cases. We regularly receive unsolicited client testimonials such as the following:

Our Discrimination Case Results:

Senior Partner Benitta Joseph obtained a substantial confidential settlement for a client’s age discrimination claim against an international investment firm.

New Jersey Laws Against Age Discrimination

Federal and New Jersey state laws protect workers from discriminatory practices related to their age. The Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967, or ADEA, protects workers age 40 or older and applies to companies with 20 or more employees and federal, state, and local governments.

The ADEA expressly prohibits adverse actions against employees due to age, including hiring, firing, layoffs, promotions, workplace benefits, job assignments, and training. It also prevents employers from harassing an employee based on their age.

New Jersey’s Law Against Discrimination, or NJLAD, expands protection to workers aged 18 to 70. It prevents employers from using your age as an excuse in hiring, firing, and promotional decisions. It also prohibits employers from forcing workers to retire due to their age.

Legal Remedies and Compensation Available to Age Discrimination Victims in New Jersey

Victims of age discrimination who file a complaint with the New Jersey Department of Civil Rights, or NJ DCR, may be eligible for several remedies, including the following:

  • Reinstatement to your position
  • Compensation for back pay or lost wages
  • Compensatory damages for emotional distress or humiliation
  • Reimbursement for legal or attorney’s fees

Employers may be required to make policy or workplace changes to prevent future age discrimination complaints. If your case goes to trial, a judge may award you punitive damages if the employer’s actions were particularly egregious.

Signs You May Be Experiencing Age Discrimination

Age discrimination can be discreet, so it’s important to recognize when it happens. Here are a few signs you’re the victim of age discrimination or your employer has an age bias:

  • A job posting includes age-discriminatory terms such as “energetic” or “recent graduate.”
  • Younger workers receive first dibs on essential projects or assignments.
  • Company layoffs disproportionately impact older workers.
  • Your employer excludes older or younger staff from outside get-togethers.
  • Employees make unfounded assumptions about older workers’ skills or capabilities.
  • Colleagues or supervisors make hurtful comments about your age.
  • You get demoted or passed up for a promotion due to your age.
  • There seems to be a tendency to hire more younger workers than older ones.

If you feel like your employer has treated you differently because of your age, you likely have experienced illegal discrimination. Talk to an attorney and explain your situation to determine if you have a case.

Steps To Take if Facing Age Discrimination

If you suspect there’s a pervasive bias against older or younger workers in your workplace, it’s imperative to take action to protect your rights. Proving age discrimination can be difficult, so it is essential to be proactive about it the moment you notice the discrimination. Here are a few steps that can help you solidify your case.

1. Document Incidents of Age Discrimination

Any time you experience age discrimination in the workplace, write down what happened. Document the people involved and how the situation made you feel. If witnesses saw what happened, note their names and positions. Keep a copy of any written evidence, including emails or memos.

2. Notify Your Company's Human Resources Department

Your organization’s human resources department is the first stop for filing a complaint. HR professionals are trained to understand the various laws and regulations concerning discrimination and harassment. If you have a valid complaint, they can attempt to resolve it. However, remember that HR works for your employer, so if you feel uncomfortable speaking with them directly, it may be better to seek legal advice.

3. Speak With Colleagues Who Also Experienced Age Discrimination

Talk to other workers who have felt discriminated against due to their age. You may be facing similar situations. For instance, if your employer laid off you and several teammates over 50, it may demonstrate prevalent age bias in your workplace.

4. Get Legal Assistance

Employers are much more likely to sit up and take notice if you secure legal representation. A lawyer can help you navigate the complexity of an age discrimination claim and file the appropriate complaints at relevant agencies, including the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission and the NJDCR. Your attorney will also represent you in a lawsuit if you cannot resolve your case through negotiation or investigation.

Benefits of Consulting a New Jersey Age Discrimination Lawyer

Age discrimination in the workplace is illegal and has severe repercussions for the employees who experience it. Victims may suffer a loss of confidence and dignity, reduced earnings, and fewer career opportunities. Age discrimination may also sour the workplace atmosphere for employees who witness it, damaging the employer’s reputation.

When you hire a New Jersey age discrimination lawyer, you’ll have someone on your side who understands the law and will hold your employer accountable for their actions. The attorneys at Joseph & Norinsberg will advocate for your rights, and we won’t accept any settlement that doesn’t appropriately reimburse you for your losses.

Don't Let Age Discrimination Ruin Your Employment Prospects

Age discrimination is insidious and prevalent in many workplaces. However, age shouldn’t be a factor if you’re a competent worker who does their job well every day—no matter how old or young you are.

If you believe your employer is discriminating or harassing you due to your age, it’s time to take legal action. Reach out to the skilled New Jersey age discrimination lawyers at Joseph & Norinsberg for help.

Call us at (212) 227-5700 to schedule your consultation or complete our online intake form. We’ll take swift action to get you the results you deserve.

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Call us at (212) 227-5700
Content Reviewed By:
Jon L. Norinsberg
Senior Partner
September 19, 2024

Having over 25 years of experience and a proven track record of success, Jon has become one of the top civil rights litigators in New York City. A true trial lawyer, he is not intimidated by the intense challenges complex civil rights and constitutional law cases present.

Case Results

Settlement against a hospital


We successfully fought for 25 cleaning company employees who were underpaid due to their employer’s unethical timekeeping methods.


Settlement against an international investment firm for age discrimination and wrongful termination


We secured compensation for New Jersey factory workers who were denied sick leave benefits guaranteed by the law.

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